Beanconqueror - App
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello Coffee-Lovers,
the new Version 7.0 is live today!
What have been changed?
Bluetooth Scale Mode
Start the timer on the first detected change in weight - Activatable in the settings (new button visible)
Ignore the current transmitted weight - e.g., for swirls, stirs, or removing weight without intentional graph spikes - Activateable in the settings (new button visible)
Bluetooth Scales
Support for a Bluetooth-No-Name scale
When connecting a DiFluid Microbalance or Felicita scale, the command delay is set directly
Graph Area
Activate the graph area in the settings
Set a brew graph for a new brew to follow it
Graphs can come from a brew or from the individual graph area
Upload your own graph - Export a .JSON file from your brews
Automatically upload each new brew with a connected graph to Visualizer - Activatable in the settings
Manually upload all brews to Visualizer if needed
Thanks to Miha for the support!
Repeat a brew from the detail view
First-drop can now be activated for a preparation method, even if it is not an espresso method (e.g., Pulsar)
Display of brew rate with a connected scale in the maximized view
Last brews are now sorted alphabetically, and the last used date is displayed
Real-time flow with a connected scale now shows values under 1g/s for espresso
Repeat the last brew or the best brew from the beans view card
Preparation method
Preparation tools are now sorted alphabetically and can be filtered
Last usage of the preparation methodology is now displayed when selected
Last grind size and last usage are now visible when selecting a grinder
Bug fix: Deactivated scripts are no longer executed
Display of a security prompt if you have made changes to a brew or a bean - Activatable in the settings
Now set your individual start X- and Y-Axis for brews with bluetooth devices
Ionic 7
Update from Ionic 6 to Ionic 7
Minimum version for iOS is now iOS 14
Minimum version for Android is now Android 7.1
Use of Lokalise for all translations - Many thanks to Yannick
Want to translate too? With Localise, it's now easy. Contact us:
Minor bug fixes
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.0.0
Best regards
the new Version 7.0 is live today!
What have been changed?
Bluetooth Scale Mode
Start the timer on the first detected change in weight - Activatable in the settings (new button visible)
Ignore the current transmitted weight - e.g., for swirls, stirs, or removing weight without intentional graph spikes - Activateable in the settings (new button visible)
Bluetooth Scales
Support for a Bluetooth-No-Name scale
When connecting a DiFluid Microbalance or Felicita scale, the command delay is set directly
Graph Area
Activate the graph area in the settings
Set a brew graph for a new brew to follow it
Graphs can come from a brew or from the individual graph area
Upload your own graph - Export a .JSON file from your brews
Automatically upload each new brew with a connected graph to Visualizer - Activatable in the settings
Manually upload all brews to Visualizer if needed
Thanks to Miha for the support!
Repeat a brew from the detail view
First-drop can now be activated for a preparation method, even if it is not an espresso method (e.g., Pulsar)
Display of brew rate with a connected scale in the maximized view
Last brews are now sorted alphabetically, and the last used date is displayed
Real-time flow with a connected scale now shows values under 1g/s for espresso
Repeat the last brew or the best brew from the beans view card
Preparation method
Preparation tools are now sorted alphabetically and can be filtered
Last usage of the preparation methodology is now displayed when selected
Last grind size and last usage are now visible when selecting a grinder
Bug fix: Deactivated scripts are no longer executed
Display of a security prompt if you have made changes to a brew or a bean - Activatable in the settings
Now set your individual start X- and Y-Axis for brews with bluetooth devices
Ionic 7
Update from Ionic 6 to Ionic 7
Minimum version for iOS is now iOS 14
Minimum version for Android is now Android 7.1
Use of Lokalise for all translations - Many thanks to Yannick
Want to translate too? With Localise, it's now easy. Contact us:
Minor bug fixes
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.0.0
Best regards
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello together,
I'm thrilled to share some fantastic news – all our documentation has now moved to GitBook!
Check it out:
This transition opens up a whole new world of collaborative possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, GitBook provides a user-friendly platform for diving into the details of Beanconqueror.
Join the Conversation:
Explore our new documentation.
Contribute your insights and suggestions.
Be part of the growing Beanconqueror community on GitBook.
A massive shout-out to GitBook for making this seamless transition possible, allowing us to focus on delivering an even better Beanconqueror experience.
Let's continue conquering together!
Have a wonderful cup of coffee
I'm thrilled to share some fantastic news – all our documentation has now moved to GitBook!
Check it out:
This transition opens up a whole new world of collaborative possibilities. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, GitBook provides a user-friendly platform for diving into the details of Beanconqueror.
Join the Conversation:
Explore our new documentation.
Contribute your insights and suggestions.
Be part of the growing Beanconqueror community on GitBook.
A massive shout-out to GitBook for making this seamless transition possible, allowing us to focus on delivering an even better Beanconqueror experience.
Let's continue conquering together!
Have a wonderful cup of coffee
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 126
- Εγγραφή: Σάβ Φεβ 08, 2020 3:20 pm
- Όνομα: Γιώργος
- Μηχανή:: N. Simonelli OscarII
- 2η Μηχανή:: Lelit Mara X
- Μύλος:: Timemore Scuptor 78s
- 2ος Μύλος:: Timemore Chestnut X
- Τοποθεσία: Καλαμάτα
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hi Lars.
I have been using the application for several years, and I enjoy it a lot. Nowadays, more and more grinders have variable RPMs. Would it be easy for you to add this parameter to the brew data?
Thank you,
I have been using the application for several years, and I enjoy it a lot. Nowadays, more and more grinders have variable RPMs. Would it be easy for you to add this parameter to the brew data?
Thank you,
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello George,
thank you for this lovely feedback
RPM is already supported.
Please goto the menu -> brewing parameters -> Manage parameters and activate Grind speed (RPM)
Hope that helps
Have a great cup of coffee
thank you for this lovely feedback

RPM is already supported.
Please goto the menu -> brewing parameters -> Manage parameters and activate Grind speed (RPM)
Hope that helps

Have a great cup of coffee
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hey Beanconquerors!
We're thrilled to announce that Beanconqueror is partnering with Lokalise to spread the magic of beans across the globe!
Love beans? Want to share that love in your native language? We're on a mission, and we need YOU! Join our team with Lokalise and help translate Beanconqueror into even more languages.
We're searching for dedicated volunteers fluent in French, Portuguese, or any other language. Be a part of our global bean movement! Reach out at or here and let Lokalise connect you with the magic of beans.
Already envisioning yourself as the Beanconqueror ambassador for your language? Reach out to us now through Lokalise and let's make the joy of beans accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Big shoutout to our incredible translators who have already joined!
Spanish, Turkish, Chinese and more!
Spread the word and share the love
Have a great cup of coffee
We're thrilled to announce that Beanconqueror is partnering with Lokalise to spread the magic of beans across the globe!
Love beans? Want to share that love in your native language? We're on a mission, and we need YOU! Join our team with Lokalise and help translate Beanconqueror into even more languages.
We're searching for dedicated volunteers fluent in French, Portuguese, or any other language. Be a part of our global bean movement! Reach out at or here and let Lokalise connect you with the magic of beans.
Already envisioning yourself as the Beanconqueror ambassador for your language? Reach out to us now through Lokalise and let's make the joy of beans accessible to everyone, everywhere.
Big shoutout to our incredible translators who have already joined!
Spanish, Turkish, Chinese and more!
Spread the word and share the love

Have a great cup of coffee
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 126
- Εγγραφή: Σάβ Φεβ 08, 2020 3:20 pm
- Όνομα: Γιώργος
- Μηχανή:: N. Simonelli OscarII
- 2η Μηχανή:: Lelit Mara X
- Μύλος:: Timemore Scuptor 78s
- 2ος Μύλος:: Timemore Chestnut X
- Τοποθεσία: Καλαμάτα
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Thank you Lars, I've not noticed that!!Graphefruit έγραψε: ↑Παρ Φεβ 16, 2024 11:38 pmHello George,
thank you for this lovely feedback
RPM is already supported.
Please goto the menu -> brewing parameters -> Manage parameters and activate Grind speed (RPM)
Hope that helps
Have a great cup of coffee
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello Coffee-Lovers,
the new Version 7.1 is live today!
More languages
Support of French - Thanks to Yannick
Support of Indonesian - Thanks to Bondan, Ganjar
Bluetooth Scales
Supporting a new DIY-Bluetooth-Scale (Rust & Python Firmware)
Support of DiFluid Microbalance Ti
Improving the flow calculation for all scales
Graph Area
Added more information to the choosing reference card
Bluetooth-Scales - Added a taring button to the top of the toolbar
Support of copying a variety information
Water section
Added potassium parameter
RPM parameter now visible in the list view and selection view
Define your own time axis for filter or espresso with connected bluetooth devices
Adding different date formats to also match American format
Minor bug fixes
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.1.0
Any feedback is appreciated!
Enjoy a great cup of coffee!
the new Version 7.1 is live today!
More languages
Support of French - Thanks to Yannick
Support of Indonesian - Thanks to Bondan, Ganjar
Bluetooth Scales
Supporting a new DIY-Bluetooth-Scale (Rust & Python Firmware)
Support of DiFluid Microbalance Ti
Improving the flow calculation for all scales
Graph Area
Added more information to the choosing reference card
Bluetooth-Scales - Added a taring button to the top of the toolbar
Support of copying a variety information
Water section
Added potassium parameter
RPM parameter now visible in the list view and selection view
Define your own time axis for filter or espresso with connected bluetooth devices
Adding different date formats to also match American format
Minor bug fixes
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.1.0
Any feedback is appreciated!
Enjoy a great cup of coffee!
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello Coffee-Lovers,
the new Version 7.2 is live today!
More languages
Support of Italian - Thanks to Cancercookie
Support of Polish - Thanks to MarcinSachs
Bluetooth Scales
Time start will wait, until the scale is reporting several 0 weight reports, when you set 'Tare scale when starting timer'
Adding toggle for V1 and V2 Api usage
Adding a Brew By Weight Feature with automatic calculcation to stop the shot on wished weight
First Meticulous integration - Thanks to the whole Meticulous Team!
Define a threshold for the first drip to count
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
iOS - Showing popups if the database access could not be established.
A big thank you to all translators who are putting in tremendous effort to make the app available in multiple languages.
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.2.0
Any feedback is appreciated!
Enjoy a great cup of coffee!
the new Version 7.2 is live today!
More languages
Support of Italian - Thanks to Cancercookie
Support of Polish - Thanks to MarcinSachs
Bluetooth Scales
Time start will wait, until the scale is reporting several 0 weight reports, when you set 'Tare scale when starting timer'
Adding toggle for V1 and V2 Api usage
Adding a Brew By Weight Feature with automatic calculcation to stop the shot on wished weight
First Meticulous integration - Thanks to the whole Meticulous Team!
Define a threshold for the first drip to count
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
iOS - Showing popups if the database access could not be established.
A big thank you to all translators who are putting in tremendous effort to make the app available in multiple languages.
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.2.0
Any feedback is appreciated!
Enjoy a great cup of coffee!
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello Coffee-Lovers,
the new Version 7.3 is live today!
Water Section - Added Third Wave Water
Find all your loved Third Wave Water Profiles in the Water selection
Bluetooth Scales
Support of Bookoo-Scale - Thanks to Yannick!
Pressure Sensor
Support of Bookoo-Pressure Sensor - Thanks to Yannick!
Please note that the actual threshold-autostart is currently not supported.
Haptic Engine
Let the phone vibrate when you start a brew - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
iOS Only: Text to Speech
Enable text to speech and speak out all scale weight values aswell as the brew timer - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
Send Extraction Yield to Visualizer
Can now be sorted to left or right
When opening the timer, focus seconds directly
Hide hours or minutes in the timer overlay
Show icon if the portafilter Xenia or Meticulous is connected or disconnected in the toolbar
Fixing that you could not save a brew when in edit mode when the while brewing section was not visible
Unarchive a bean in the action list
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.3.0
Best regards
the new Version 7.3 is live today!
Water Section - Added Third Wave Water
Find all your loved Third Wave Water Profiles in the Water selection
Bluetooth Scales
Support of Bookoo-Scale - Thanks to Yannick!
Pressure Sensor
Support of Bookoo-Pressure Sensor - Thanks to Yannick!
Please note that the actual threshold-autostart is currently not supported.
Haptic Engine
Let the phone vibrate when you start a brew - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
iOS Only: Text to Speech
Enable text to speech and speak out all scale weight values aswell as the brew timer - Experimental feature - Enable in settings
Send Extraction Yield to Visualizer
Can now be sorted to left or right
When opening the timer, focus seconds directly
Hide hours or minutes in the timer overlay
Show icon if the portafilter Xenia or Meticulous is connected or disconnected in the toolbar
Fixing that you could not save a brew when in edit mode when the while brewing section was not visible
Unarchive a bean in the action list
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.3.0
Best regards
- Δημοσιεύσεις: 30
- Εγγραφή: Τρί Ιαν 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Re: Beanconqueror - App
Hello Coffee-Lovers,
The new Version 7.4 is live today!
Its now possible to freeze your coffee beans, activate this feature in the settings
Added best and open date for beans, you need to activate this parameter
Beans can now be directly added from the select overview
Support of the Combustion Inc. Thermometer - Thanks for the Device!
Support of the Meater Thermometer (not Meater 2 or Meater +) - Thanks to Yannick!
Water Section
Added Pure Coffee Water
Added Empirical Water
Preparation Tools
Sort now your preparation tools
Grinder images are now shown in the select overview
Security message if you changed the rating for brews or beans, and the maximum is lower then an already rated entry
Reverted the direct seconds focus when opening the timer
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.4.0
Enjoy a great cup of coffee
The new Version 7.4 is live today!
Its now possible to freeze your coffee beans, activate this feature in the settings
Added best and open date for beans, you need to activate this parameter
Beans can now be directly added from the select overview
Support of the Combustion Inc. Thermometer - Thanks for the Device!
Support of the Meater Thermometer (not Meater 2 or Meater +) - Thanks to Yannick!
Water Section
Added Pure Coffee Water
Added Empirical Water
Preparation Tools
Sort now your preparation tools
Grinder images are now shown in the select overview
Security message if you changed the rating for brews or beans, and the maximum is lower then an already rated entry
Reverted the direct seconds focus when opening the timer
Some technical changes in the code
Small tweaks
You can find the app here:
Android: ...
iOS: ... 1445297158
Github: ... tag/v7.4.0
Enjoy a great cup of coffee